Building Together May Offering

Central is in the midst of a three-year phase where our goal is to raise $1.5 million toward projects of significant impact at each of our three sites. If you are one of those who’ve already made a financial commitment, thank you so much. Because of you, and by God’s grace, we have been able to move forward on some very important projects (including the sanctuary renovation and roof repairs at Connors Hill, the kitchen renovation underway in Sherwood Park, and significant progress paying down the mortgage at the Southeast site).

We are so encouraged by this progress, but also note that we have further to go before we can realize additional projects that are part of this vision, such as essential updates to the Connors Hill gym and kids ministry areas, renovating the Sherwood Park basement and kids ministry areas, and paying off additional debt. We invite you to join in this effort as we respond to God and step out in faith together. On Sunday, May 28, we will be receiving a special offering for Building Together. As that date approaches, please prayerfully consider how God may be leading you to support this offering over and above your regular giving through either a one-time gift or a monthly commitment. There are more details on the overview of our 2022-2025 project and giving options at the top of the Building Together website.

Kim Schroeder